Tag: North Dakota Republican Party District 16
Part 5: Membership and You
America sent a loud message in November. Out of control inflation, overrun borders, fentanyl deaths, child and labor trafficking, endless wars, and an entrenched deep state pushed Americans over the edge. We no longer want business as usual in our US capital or in the state of North Dakota. You want a place where your… Read more
Part 4: Reorgs – The Role of the District Chair and its Executive Committee
Reorganizing (reorg) a district is a powerful tool for the Republican voter. It gives a predictable structure and process by which the grassroots voter can hold its local Republican leadership accountable. Once elected at the reorg, a district chair and district executive committee (EC) are authorized to recruit candidates, allocate budget and spending, and set… Read more
Part 3: The U.S. Census, Representation, and District Boundaries
President Joe Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris spent the last four years abetting and paying for an illegal invasion at both our southern and northern borders. The Darien Gap in Panama became the port of entry for the world while U.S. funded NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) handed out supplies and instructions on how to enter… Read more
Part 2: Reorganizations. What are they?
Part 2: Reorganizations. What are they? In November of this year our nation elected Donald J. Trump as our new President. Our country went through a large-scale reorganization of its government. We elected a new leader to represent us and our nation. A reorganization, in simple terms, is the process by which eligible Republican voters… Read more
Part 1: District 16 Reorganization Coming 2025
The election of Donald J. Trump as America’s forty-seventh president sent a signal to entrenched D.C. establishment bureaucrats that the people want profound change in our country, both nationally and locally! By showing up to vote, YOU participated in that victory. On behalf of NDGOP district 16, thank you! This is your republic, and without… Read more
2024 West Fargo – June 11th Primary
The primary is your opportunity to choose conservative leadership. West Fargo Primary Elections are June 11th ( See locations and time below) District 16 Candidates David Clemens – Senate Ben Koppelman – Representative Andrew Marschall – Representative United Republicans of Cass County Endorsed West Fargo City Candidates West Fargo City Commission John Severson facebook.com/people/John-Severson-for-West-Fargo-City-Commissioner/61555908398456 DeAnn… Read more
Legislative Candidate and Delegate Endorsing Convention
The North Dakota District 16 Republican Party will hold its legislative candidate endorsing convention on Thurs, Feb. 8, 2024 at the PRACS building. The address is: 4801 Amber Valley Pkwy S, Fargo, ND (please use the west entrance). Delegates to the ND Republican State Convention will also be selected that evening. Doors open at 5:30… Read more
GOP District 16 Candidates Seek Reelection
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jan. 8, 2024 West Fargo, ND – Rep. Andrew Marschall (R.) Rep. Ben Koppleman (R.) and Sen. David Clemens (R.) announce their intentions to seek reelection to the North Dakota Legislature. Marschall, a former small-business owner, Air National Guard and Air Force veteran has held office since 2016. Rep. Marschall sits on the… Read more