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Part 3: The U.S. Census, Representation, and District Boundaries

President Joe Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris spent the last four years abetting and paying for an illegal invasion at both our southern and northern borders. The Darien Gap in Panama became the port of entry for the world while U.S. funded NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) handed out supplies and instructions on how to enter America to an estimated 11 million illegals.

The impact of changing our nation’s population will impact us for generations. But that was the intent all along. Change the voting base and you transform America.

If President Trump does not deport the 11 million illegal immigrants that crossed our borders in the last four years, Republicans will lose every election for the next several generations (*see graphic below from the Center for Immigration). Is this what you want?

Every ten years, our country conducts a census. The census determines a state’s representation both nationally and locally. State legislators then take that information and redraw precincts and district lines. In the state of North Dakota, we use districts to define our legislative representation.

A strong conservative district chair is the first line of defense for our state and nation.  

As a district chair, I meet people all the time who have no idea what district they are in. I love helping them get connected and educated on who their representatives are and their voting record. It’s often very eye-opening. People are often shocked to see that Republican legislators vote against their values. In D16, we have a great crew. They are solid Republicans who vote for the party platform.

Unsure where your district boundaries are, go to to find out and type in your address.

Check out your legislators voting record at    

Reach out to your chair DeAnn Reed @

#illegalimmigration #MAGA #republican #openborders #destroyingamerica #ndgopd16 #westfargo #NDGOP #trump2024 #Trump #northdakota

Next up: Part 4: Reorgs – The Role of the District Chair and its Executive Committee

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