North Dakota politics are easy to understand. We’re glad you’re taking the time to learn and be involved. Welcome!
47 Districts in North Dakota
North Dakota is made up of 47 legislative districts, each with two state representatives and one state senator.
After every federal census, North Dakota redistricts it population. The next census will be in 2030. Population of District 16 is 16,665.
The 2-Year Cycle of ND Politics
District Reorganization
Odd-numbered years (i.e. 2025)
Between January 1 and May 15 of every odd-numbered year, District 16 Republicans “reorganize” which means a new district chair and executive committee are elected by Republicans at this meeting.
“June Roundup” State Committee Meetinges
Odd-numbered years (i.e. 2025)
In June, shortly after the reorg meetings, the 47 GOP district chairs meet to elect the officers of the State Committee who also serve on the State Executive Committee. The State Committee meets twice a year to conduct the business of the party, amend the platform, and pass resolutions.
“June Roundup” State Committee MeetiOdd-numbered years (i.e. 2023)
District Convention
Even-numbered years (i.e. 2026)
Between January 1 and March 1 of every even-numbered year, District 16 Republicans meet to elect delegates to the State Convention and, if it is an election year (2022, 2026) for their state representatives, they will endorse Republican legislative candidates to be on the Primary ballot in June.
State Convention
Even-numbered years (i.e. 2026)
In the spring of every even-numbered year, after the district convention deadlines, the State Delegates convene at the State Convention to endorse state-wide candidates and pass resolutions.
In presidential years, the State Convention also elects the delegates to the National Convention.
State Convention
The Primary
June 11, 2026
In the Primary, Republican voters select which Republicans appear on the November ballot.
General Election
November 4, 2028
2028 is a presidential election year!
Be an election judge at the polls. Leave a message for us so we know you’re interested.
What is a Republican?
Republicans believe the rights of American citizens proceed from The Creator, not from government. Government authority proceeds only from the consent of the People. Individuals, including the unborn, have the intrinsic right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We believe in personal responsibility, limited government, peace through strength and the rule of law, lower taxes, the right to bear arms, family integrity and the American moral tradition, quality education, and legislative integrity.
Why Do You Matter?
The Republican Party is only as strong as its voters and, more specifically, its membership. The active members of the Republican Party ultimately steer the ship and hold their elected representatives accountable to the Platform. Get Involved.