America sent a loud message in November. Out of control inflation, overrun borders, fentanyl deaths, child and labor trafficking, endless wars, and an entrenched deep state pushed Americans over the edge. We no longer want business as usual in our US capital or in the state of North Dakota.
You want a place where your work or business, children, and budget can thrive. But when elected officials vote for an out of control state budget, continue to push gender ideology in the corridors of our capitol, and when outside leftist interests groups turn ND Republicans into voting democrats, families like yours lose. So how does this keep happening in a state with a Republican super majority?
It happens because citizens relegate their personal and civic responsibility to others. They trust the “R” behind a name and that “R” in reality may be a “D”.
The stakes have never been higher for you. Each paycheck tells the story. You’re making less and less. Goods and services continue to rise. The crime rate is increasing just as fast as home prices or rent. Just this last year, a news story broke in West Fargo where an illegal Venezuelan man was caught trying to steal cash out of a ATM. Our police officers are being targeted by these same illegal immigrant gangs with the specific purpose of killing them.
Feel helpless? YOU can make a difference. If you don’t, the alternative is more of the same.
Start making a difference today by contacting your Republican district chair. Ask questions, get educated, and check out your legislators voting record. AND show up at your district reorganization this year and vote for a conservative district chair. Many districts require membership dues in order to vote. Ours is ($25). You must be an American citizen, Republican of voting age and live in D16.
Let’s Make America Great Again at the local level by voting for conservative district chairs in 2025!
For more information DM your district or reach out to your district chair DeAnn Reed at Unsure where your district boundaries are? Go to to find out.
Check out your legislators voting record at
#MAGA #republican #openborders #ndgopd16 #westfargo #NDGOP #trump2024 #Trump #northdakota
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