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Part 1: District 16 Reorganization Coming 2025

The election of Donald J. Trump as America’s forty-seventh president sent a signal to entrenched D.C. establishment bureaucrats that the people want profound change in our country, both nationally and locally!

By showing up to vote, YOU participated in that victory. On behalf of NDGOP district 16, thank you! This is your republic, and without your voice, our state and country would have descended into socialistic tyranny. We need YOU!

But the work isn’t over. There is still more to be done locally, and we need YOU to help us advance the “Make America Great Again” agenda here in our state.

Get ready because you are about to be a part of some of the greatest history-making moments, and they begin with you!

In 2025, between January 1 and May 15, all 47 districts in ND will hold a reorganization. This is a time when district 16 Republican members get together and vote for their next district chair and executive committee members. Over the next few weeks, D16 will be doing a five part series on reorganizations and their impact on you. Be ready, get involved, and be a part of the next step in the conservative movement.

Coming 2025!

#MAGA #TrumpVance2024 #NDGOP #NorthDakota #Republican #NORINO #conservative #getinvolved #westfargo #NDGOPD16

Next up: Part 2: Reorganizations. What are they?

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